(2) 国际工程承包 ( International Project Contracting ): 工程公司通过国际性投标竞争,接受业主委托,为工程项目或其中子项目所进行的建造、设备采购及安装调试、提供劳务等。
international project contracting market 国际工程承包市场
international project contracting business 国际工程承包业
international project contracting enterprises 国际工程承包企业
Bidding for International Project Contracting 国际工程承包招标
the international project contracting market 国际工程承包
There were chance and risk in the international project contracting, and the risk was more severity than domestic project.
International project contracting is an undertaking with co-existence of high risk and benefits, which has high comprehensive, complexity and technicality.
However, risk and profit always coexist. There are fat profits in international project contracting market. So it has been the focus of international contractor how to avoid the risk.